Home » Covered Horse Hay Feeder – Large Animal Hay Feeder » Covered Hay Feeder for Horses & Cattle – Virginia
Covered Hay Feeder Virginia
Horse owners in Virginia know the importance of keeping their animals fed throughout the year. They also understand the high cost of animal feed and how important it is to save money by not wasting feed. Anyone who works with horses, cows, llamas, or similar sized animals knows how important it is to keep them well fed. They also know the importance of keeping their feed dry and free from rain or other moisture in order to preserve it. Whenever hay or other feed gets wet, it can develop mold or other issues which can cause it to go bad. Not only is this bad for the animal’s health, it also costs money.
Feeding these hungry animals is a very important part of the owner’s daily routine. For some animals, the job can be made easier by putting out large hay bales for the animals to feed from throughout the week without the need to continually replacing the bales. Over time, however, the bales can deteriorate or become moldy in the right conditions.
The Hay Bonnet units are perfect for adult or juvenile horses, cows, llamas or any other type of large animal. Up to eight large animals can feed at one time, making this a very easy and convenient system to use.
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Each Hay Bonnet is manufactured with weather-resistant, high-density polyethylene which is safe to use with animals and is light enough for one adult to move. Once a large bale or set of bales have been arranged, place the covering over the hay. This will protect it from the elements and keep the feed in one place. You can just walk away until its time to put out more feed for the animals.
Not only is this amazing product easy to use, but it more than pays for itself by saving feed from being wasted. Keeping feed dry will prolong the life of the feed and enable to animals to consume it over time.

The Hay Bonnet Protects Feed Better!
Virginia Weather is a Problem
Virginia is located next to the Atlantic Ocean and also receives moisture from the Gulf of Mexico. High humidity and rainfall can lead to molded hay. Save Money! Purchase the Hay Bonnet for your operation.
Virginia Loves the Hay Bonnet
The Hay Bonnet is available in the State of Virginia. However, we are still looking for more dealers who want to better serve their customers by providing this amazing hay covering unit to customers in your area. Call the number above to learn how you can become an Authorized Hay Bonnet Dealer.