Hay Bonnet Covered Hay Feeder Pittsboro, North Carolina
The Hay Bonnet is the perfect solution for your farm animals or horses. Each unit offers unique benefits for both the animals and the owner. It’s easy to use and is convenient for any sized operation.
Bar T Sportsmanship
730 Pete Thomas Rd
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Bar T Horsemanship Hours:
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The best way to protect the hay for your horses or larger animals is to use the Hay Bonnet. This durable covering is manufactured from high-density materials which is safe for animals and the environment.
Since each unit is made from these materials, it is very light weight and easy to move from one place to another. Simply place a large bale on the ground and cover it with the Hay Bonnet. It will protect the hay from getting soaked by rain or snow and keep it from getting moldy. Horses, llamas, and other larger animals will eat the entire bale. Even young animals can reach the hay inside.
We have a limited number of Authorized Dealers who offer The Hay Bonnet. Please visit Bar T Sportsmanship or call them for more details on how to get one of more for your farm or operation.

Hay Bonnet Benefits
- Protect Feed from Rainy Weather
- Protect Hay from being Trampled or Wasted by Animals
- Move the Units Easy from Place to Place
- Protect Hay and Feed from Animal Waste
- Ease of Use by Only One Person
- Great for Horses, Cattle, Llamas and more
- Easy Access to Hay or Feed
- Manufactured with Durable Weather-Resistant Materials
- Save Money by Eliminating Wasted Hay or Feed
Purchase the Hay Bonnet at Fox’s Feed Depot in the Pittsboro, NC

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