Home » Covered Horse Hay Feeder – Large Animal Hay Feeder » Covered Hay Feeder for Horses – Tennessee
Covered Horse Hay Feeder Tennessee
Tennessee is a great place to raise horses, llamas or large farm animals. The summers are warm and the winters are more mild than much of the United States. Humidity, however, can be high for much of the year and that can lead to a lot of rain during many months of the year.
High humidity and frequent rain can create unique issues for keeping hay and other types of feed dry. When hay gets wet or takes a long time to dry out, mold and other organisms can begin to grow in the hay or feed which can be very harmful for animals.
That is the reason the Hay Bonnet was created. Our hay cover enables you to keep feed dry which is healthier for large animal ranchers and farmers in Tennessee.
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Our product is perfect for animals of all sizes. Both young and mature horses and farm animals can easily reach the hay or feed through the openings in the side of each unit. The openings are large enough to allow for easy access while keeping the contents drier and healthier until the hay has been completely eaten.
The Hay Bonnet is easy to use. Simply place the bale of hay wherever you want it to be and then cover it with the durable Hay Bonnet unit until all of the food has been consumed. It protects the hay (or feed) which protects your hard-earned money!

The Hay Bonnet is So Easy to Move and is Perfect for Protecting Your Feed Investment
Tennessee Weather Can Cost You Money
Tennessee weather is typically humid with lots of rain during many times of the year. Wet Hay can cost you money! Save your money and protect your animal feed with the Hay Bonnet.
Tennessee Loves the Hay Bonnet
The Hay Bonnet is available in the State of Tennessee. However, we are still looking for more dealers who want to better serve their customers by providing this amazing hay covering unit to customers in your area. Call the number above to learn how you can become an Authorized Hay Bonnet Dealer.
Lebanon, Tennessee – Find the Hay Bonnet at Wilson Co-op in Lebanon, TN. Call Ricky Wilson at 615.444.5212 to learn more